Salvadora persica / المسواك
Toothbrush tree
Rak, Arak, Miswak, Souwak, Seawak, Lushlush
- Salvadora is a large shrub with opposite branches of the Salvadoraceae family
- The plant is widely distributed from Africa through Arabia to china
- Found in UAE native in few places but widely cultivated in farms and along street as wind barriers.
Part(s) Used
Shoots, Roots and fruits
Traditional and Medicinal Uses
Roots and shoot sticks have been used for centuries as oral hygiene tools in many parts of the world. It has been used as/for:
Toothbrushing |
Toothache |
Gum problems |
Regulating menstruation |
Anthelmintic |
Antiseptic |
Appetizer |
Joint and knee pains |
Kidney stones |
Scorpion stings |
Carminative |
Constipation |
How Much Do We Know?
Not much is known about the safety and efficacy of the Salvadora species that grows natively in the UAE.
What Do We Know About Safety?
Salvadora shoots, roots and fruits are likely safe when used and/or taken orally in the recommended amounts or in the amounts typically found in foods.
Using Salvadora by
Traditionally, Salvadora sticks are used for toothbrushing many times daily
Special Precautions & Warnings
Pregnancy & Lactation
There is no enough reliable information about the safety of Salvadora in Pregnancy and Breast-feeding, avoid use.
Keep in Mind
- Do not hesitate to speak with your health care provider before starting to use any supplements.
- Discuss potential benefits and risks, especially if you are suffering from any health problems.