Zizyphus spina- Christi / السدر
Christ`s thorn
Sidr, Nebeq, Nibs, Jabat, Zejzaj, Zefzoof, Ardeg, Ghosl, Kanar
- Sidr is mentioned in holy Quran and is very much used in Arab countries
- It is a member of the buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae)
- Armed thorny shrub or tree up to 10 m tall
- Widespread in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.
- In UAE found in wadis
Part(s) Used
Fruits, bark, seeds and leaves
Traditional and Medicinal Uses
The fruits are edible and nutritive, leaves are used for chest and stomach problems, and for hair and skin care. It has been used as/for:
Cough |
Pneumonia |
Fever |
Scorpion stings |
Headache |
Dysentery |
Pharyngitis |
Intestinal worms |
Constipation |
laryngitis |
Dermatitis |
Bone fractures |
How Much Do We Know?
Numerous bioactivity screening studies have been performed on extracts of different parts of Zizyphus. However, their exact therapeutic benefits are not well established yet.
What Do We Know About Safety?
Zizyphus fruits are likely safe when taken orally in the recommended amounts or in the amounts typically found in foods.
Using Zizyphus by
dried fruit up 30 grams daily
Special Precautions & Warnings
Pregnancy and Breast-feeding: There is no enough reliable information about the safety of Zizyphus fruit in Pregnancy and Breast-feeding, avoid use.
Keep in Mind
- Do not hesitate to speak with your health care provider before starting to use any supplements.
- Discuss potential benefits and risks, especially if you are suffering from any health problems.